Saturday, November 18, 2006


The light was wonderful in Lake Burien School park as I drove by so I stopped to take a few exposures. This sun was coming in and out of the clouds so the contrast was changing all the time. I saw this garage and the light on the doors and walked over to take a look at it. After about a dozen exposures the home owner came out to get his mail and to look me over. I greeted him but he didn't say anything. I was shooting from the park so there wasn't much for him to complain about.

This was taken with my Lumix FZ20. My Olympus E-500 is in need of a new sensor due to color rendering problems . See Color Shift. After half a year of shooting with the E-500 it is a bit of a transition to go back to my FZ20 but the camera takes very good photos and renders color better than the E-500. I assume this will be rectified with the replacement of the sensor.

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