Friday, August 29, 2008

Harbor - Last Light

Not sure about this one. All that light on top of the clouds kind of distracts from the main subject which is the ships and the water. I could crop off the top but then the sky would be overly dark. So for now I will leave it as it is.

EDIT 8/30/08:Now I have reworked it a little, not quite as dark and added a BW version. When I shot this standing on the empty pier just north of the Aquarium in Elliot bay, I figured it was throwaway shot. I was using a long lens and had zoomed back to 70mm which didn't give me enough room to get all the ships in the photo. Anyway, it wasn't a complete loss.


Anonymous said...

My congratulations to you .

Nice pic ^ ^

The Best Garmin GPS

Anonymous said...

I like the color version very much Clay.
