Sunday, December 17, 2006

Fire Escape

This is actually the back side of a church located on 1st Ave and about 149th in down town Burien WA. I didn't bother to remember the name which didn't mean anything to me since I was only after a few shots of this wall with the windows and the white drain pipes and the wooden stairs.

I was moving around in the parking lot and after two dozen exposures some fellow wandered over all decked out in a faded flannel shirt and work pants with a cell phone attached to his ear and a boy kind of hanging in the wings (it was saturday) and after terminating his phone call he opened with the classic line: "Can I help you?" and I answered "Yeah" giving it exactly the intonation used by black soldier with the tiger tooth necklace at the Do Long Bridge when Capt. Willard asked him "do you know who’s in command here?".

I'm getting a little tired of being asked why I am taking photographs. Seems like a really dumb question. The security guards at the coast guard station were a lot nicer about it than this fellow at the church. Figures that someone you meet in a church parking lot on a saturday afternoon will be nasty.


revdrron said...


Immanuel! Ironic! A fire escape and “What’s up” with the WWJD greeting! Picture this! We live in a fallen world and I’m about my Father’s business as a response. Regardless, I like the photo… pipes, windows, doors and stairs. Sometimes church people (the body) and the church building look and act alike.

enjoy the season, ron

C. Stirling Bartholomew said...

Hi Ron,

There was a 2.5mil$ addition to the building in progress all surrounded by a razorwire construction fence and the guy with the cellphone had something to do with this project. He complained that there had been a lot of theft at the site. I told him I always take photos of the places I rip off and keep them in a scrap book. Theft in Burien WA is like rain and wind. It happens all the time.