Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Flag - March 2006


revdrron said...
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C. Stirling Bartholomew said...

Good morning Ron,

The lone star flag indicates that the family has one son in the military. The house belongs to Joe and Nancy whose son is in the airforce.

greetings, csb

T.B. Vick said...

You've got some great photos here, Clay.

C. Stirling Bartholomew said...

Hello T.B.,

Thanks for stopping in. This blogging business beats the heck out slide projectors. I can remember working with my late colleague and friend from the early 70's Dave Hastings putting together multi-media presentations with several Kodak projectors (industrial grade, professional gear) and some fairly primitive reel to reel tape decks and rock amps. The big nightmare was the projectors, which were expensive equipment but very prone to jamming. I can remember Hastings flying off the handle when during a dry run one of these things would hang up on a slide.

I was thinking about this last night while trying to upload photos to blogger and it would time out and fail about 50% of time. The servers are not up to dealing with the explosion in blogging. Also I noticed the Evangelical TC list was down for some time and when it came back the links were corrupted, comments attached to the wrong post and so forth. Looks like it is now back to normal.

Even with these sort of problems, blogging is a good way to get your stuff out where people can see it.

greetings, csb